

Open Images is live!

The Netherlands Institute for Sound and Vision and Knowledgeland yesterday released the Open Images (or Open Beelden) website: www.openimages.eu or www.openbeelden.nl

Fri 25 Sep 2009 / André / 0 comments

If your browser supports the html5 video tag you'll see a movie called 'The Quiet Beach' from 1923. Otherwise use the provided link, the site provides alternative plug-ins. video: Beeld en Geluid licensed under Creative Commons - Attribution-Share Alike

Open Images or Open Beelden aims to offer on-line access to a selection of archive material to stimulate creative reuse. Reuse includes remixing of archive material in new works. Open Images also supports interlinking with other data sources (like Wikipedia), allowing the easy creation of mash ups. Access to the content is based on the Creative Commons model.
It is based upon MMBase and makes heavy use of FFmpeg to transcode the uploaded content to other preferably open source formats. Every uploaded piece of media gets transcoded to another format: video to Ogg Theora, audio to Ogg Vorbis and images to PNG. To ensure the availability of media to a broad range of browsers video or audio gets transcoded to H.264 and MP3 as well. It is like an open source YouTube. This all done within a new MMBase application Streams, an extension to the already existing Media application in use by some Dutch broadcasters.


What I like a lot about this site is that there is lots of new stuff in it, stuff that's new for MMBase but most of all stuff that is even new to most websites. Like the multi-language support depending on your browser or computer preferences. Open Images (or Open Beelden) is published in English and Dutch, but it supports almost any language. Plus, you can change it if you don not like it. We past the language you prefer upon the url, so you won't lose it. It is a lote like the way www.creativecommons.org does it, but in Open Images we use dots ('.nl') in stead of slashes ('/nl').

Transcoding to open formats

Every uploaded media file gets transcoded to an open media format: OGG for video and audio, and images to PNG. We have created the MMBase streams application for this to complement the already existing media application. Streams uses FFmpeg, FFmpeg2Theora and ImageMagick to convert every uploaded media file to several new files.

HTML5 video and audio tags

Another cool aspect of the website is its use of the HTML5 video tag. The above video is embedded without using a plug-in, basically like the following snippet of code which includes four videosources since Firefox, Google Chrome and Safari have different preferences in the kind of formats they support. You can copy this piece of html to include it in your website:

<video controls="controls" width="320" height="240">
  <source type="video/ogg; codecs=vorbis" src="http://www.openbeelden.nl/files/BG/WEEKNUMMER231-HRE000123E9-512.ogg"> </source>
  <source type="video/mp4" src="http://www.openbeelden.nl/files/BG/WEEKNUMMER231-HRE000123E9.mp4"> </source>

An be sure to attribute the owners by including a reference to the Creative Commons license, in this case I added: "video: Beeld en Geluid licensed under Creative Commons - Attribution-Share Alike".


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