Dit is de zoveelste incarnatie van mijn website wie nieuwsgierig is kan de
oudere 'recente' wijzigingen bekijken.I have been very busy the last couple of months with a new video, audio and images platform. It's prototype is nearing completion. I am currently working on the player. HTML5 includes a video-tag but implementing a player that support as many (modern) browsers as possible still takes me back like 10 years or something.
The Open Images Platform aims to be as open as possible. Access to the content will be based on the Creative Commons model, but implementing a player gives me headaches. There are some solutions available but they all use Javascript to detect which browser you use and what media and plugins it supports. Wikimedia uses a script called 'oggplayer.js (which is not only about Ogg ;-) containing 753 lines of code. Takes me be back to the days of HTML 4 ...
1 comment
Firefox 3.5b4 is very strict about rendering the video tag it seems and is not allways OK with 'probably' on the following method:
var el = document.createElement("video");
if (el.canPlayType('video/ogg') == "probably") {}
It sometimes does render, but more often not. Which I thank is a bit ambiguous. When presented with 'video/ogg' and 'maybe', it does render the video. We have a fallback to Cortado when it refuses and although one would prefer a fallback without Javascript I build one with since it enables the use of one set of controls.
See the specifications at:
Dit is de zoveelste incarnatie van mijn website wie nieuwsgierig is kan de
oudere 'recente' wijzigingen bekijken.En ik heb hier een pagina waarop ik nieuwe en oudere versies van my_editors verzamel.