Dit is de zoveelste incarnatie van mijn website wie nieuwsgierig is kan de
oudere 'recente' wijzigingen bekijken.In a few weeks the 4th Holland Open conference will start. This year with keynotes about Second Life and the open technology behind Web 2.0, Serious Gaming & Virtual Worlds. Yeah well, buzzwords galore, but that is what conferences are about are they not?
The central theme is of this years conference is 'Open Up!' with tracks named Spectrum, Professionalisering, and Open Educatie.
Again this year I had the privilege to design and maintain its website. It includes several new features like a PDF generator that creates your entrance ticket using FOP which in turn includes a barcode generated with Barbecue. It has been added as a new application to the speeltuin in MMBase cvs.
Dit is de zoveelste incarnatie van mijn website wie nieuwsgierig is kan de
oudere 'recente' wijzigingen bekijken.En ik heb hier een pagina waarop ik nieuwe en oudere versies van my_editors verzamel.